Thursday, February 24, 2011

Perry Moore

Biography on Perry Moore
By Alyssa Willardson
Full name: William Perry Moore IV
Occupation: Film producer and Novelist
Date of Birth: November 4, 1971
Place of Birth: Richmond, Virginia, U.S.
Date of Death: February 17, 2011 (age 39)
Place of Birth: Manhatan, New York City, New York, U.S
Genres: Fantasy and Children’s literature
Notable: Hero
Early Life
Perry Moore was born on November 4, 1971, in Richmond, Virginia, to William and Nancy Norris Moore. He had two sisters, Jane and Elizabeth. While still in college he interned at the Virginia Film Festival. He also served as an intern at the White House.
Interesting Facts
Perry Moore was an executive producer of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. He was openly gay and lived in New York City with his life partner Hunter Hill (a writer for Paper magazine). He was Christian and spoke publicly about his faith.
Moore’s death was caused by drug overdose. He had suffered knee and back problems before his death, which required pain medication and corrective surgery, but which he had put off to continue working. Moore died on February 17, 2011, at the age of 39. The New York Times and Variety reported that the cause of death was yet to be officially announced, and that a medical examiner’s report was pending. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Las Vegas, Good or Bad?

    Many people don’t like Las Vegas. They don’t like it because of the night clubs or the casinos. In my opinion I like Las Vegas, just not the scary bad places. There’s always going to be some evil in something good. That’s why I believe that Las Vegas is not an evil place but, a good place that is overrated.
    It’s very annoying when you get handed the cards that tell you about a new strip club or something. Anyone who has been to Vegas has gotten one. You can always see past the faults of a place before giving it a final judge.
     Las Vegas has some bad places but there are also some very cool places to go. For example, there are always cool plays/musicals that go to Las Vegas. When you go there expecting all this bad stuff that you hear about and you leave after enjoying yourself I think that’s a good thing.
    When you hear people saying that they are going to Vegas do you think it’s a good thing or a bad thing? If you think it’s a bad thing then, maybe you should look over your reasons. You always have your opinion on things and thats good. If you say it’s a good thing do you say it because you agree with the reasons above?
    Yes, Las Vegas has a bad reputation but a lot of places do. If you only get one thing out of this post it should  be this; don’t judge anything by what you hear. Always take a look at it yourself.

Is Blogging Journalism?

     I agree with Gina Masullo Chen, who wrote a blog responce to the question, Is Blogging Journalism. I do agree with her because she gave very good reasons to why blogging isn't journalism and I couldn't disagree with the reasons that she wrote. Chen wrote that blogging isn't the threat to journalism-fear of change is.
     Blogging isn’t journalism because, a lot of people use blogs as sources for what they are writing about as journalists. When you look at a blog do you picture what you’re reading to be in the newspaper the next morning? People write about their families in their blogs. You don't normally read about family stories in the newspaper.
     Blogging is writing on a computer, and journalism is writing in the newspaper or doing reports on the news. Blogging is totally different from journalism. Blogging is not journalism and that will never change.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What Really Matters

    Lets face it, we all get nervous sometimes. I got really nervous on January 29th. I was getting ready to go to a dance with my friends it was our first dance and we were all really excited. The theme of the dance was to dress up as a nerd. I think that I ended up trying over 15 different ways to do my hair. I ended up just putting it in a side ponytail. I popped the lenses out of my 3D glasses and put those on. When it came to what I should wear I was stuck. I had no idea what to wear to a nerd dance! I called my friends who were going with me and we all decided to wear black shirts with some jeans because you still want to look cute even though you are supposed to be dressing up as a nerd.
    On the way there my friends and I were just giggling! We were so nervous and I think we were all hoping that somebody would ask us to dance. I mean after all we are still girls. When we arrived at the dance, we went into the gym and noticed that not a lot of people were there. It was a few minutes past 8 and we were the losers who showed up on time. We decided to go into the bathroom and just wait for a while. We just sat on the counters and talked about how excited we were and how we hoped the more boys would show up.
    A few minutes after we went back in a high schooler asked my friend (who is is 8th grade) to dance. While they were dancing my other friend and I went over to get a drink and eat some of the refreshments. When the song was almost over we decided to go back to where we were before so our friend could find us. During the rest of the night we all danced with some boys and we all had a wonderful night.
    It was almost time to go and the last slow song was on. I looked over at a boy who I had kind of been watching. He hadn’t danced with anyone that whole night so, I went over there and asked him to dance. After we had been dancing for a while I noticed that this boy had special needs. I didn’t know that he had special needs just by looking at him. As soon as it was 11 he looked right at his watch and told me that he had to go and call his parents so he went and called his parents and I just walked over to my little group of friends. I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around and there was a lady that I didn’t know. She told me that she knew that boy that I danced with and she thanked me for dancing with him. She told me that he was really excited to come and the whole night he hadn’t danced with anyone. After she walked away the boy came up to me and made me promise that I would be at the next dance.
     It was this night that I realized something very important. Sometimes it isn’t just me and what I want and need that is important. It is about what others need and want. When I found out that this boy had been waiting all night to dance and that I had made his night by dancing with him, well, I think that made me feel better than if I had danced with the cutest boy there. I felt great as I left that dance! You can bet that I will look for him at the next dance and make sure that I dance with him!