Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This is Atom Bomb Test Bikini, Atoll
Overall feeling: The bomb puts me in a more sad mood and when I look at this picture it reminds me of Pearl Harbor.
I think that the artist wanted to make the dust from the impact look kind of like the clouds. It makes it blend in more with the picture. I think the artist wanted to show the wind blowing because the wind is making the palm trees blow sideways. You can also see the ships in the background. 
I think the artist wanted to show a story about Pearl Harbor. When I saw this picture the first thing I thought of was Pearl Harbor. I remembered when I first heard the story of how the Japanese bombed us right where it would hurt us the most, Pearl Harbor. This is exactly how I pictured it would look.

Dock and Palm Trees, Tahiti
Overall feeling: When I look at this I feel completely relaxed.
The artist made me feel relaxed by putting in palm trees. There is something about a beach, especially a beach in Tahiti, that makes you relaxed. The people in the picture look relaxed so it made me relaxed.
A story that this picture would tell me is, two couples, on their honeymoon, went to Tahiti to enjoy a carefree trip. They do all kinds of relaxing things. They go snorkeling, canoeing, and the lay on the beach. This would be a honeymoon I would like to go on.

Lake of Zug, Switzerland
Overall feeling: When I look at this I’m nervous yet excited.
The artist makes me feel this way because when I look at the picture I picture the dock as the road of life. In some places its very snowing and some places not so much. You have to stay on the road and not slip off from the snow and land in the water. 
The story I get from this is my life. For example you can walk and get stuck in the snow and slip up a little, but you have to stay on the dock. At some point life does end, and the way I look at it is that there are two places you can go when you die and that’s why it splits at the end. You can go to Heck or you can go to Heaven. My point is that every road has an end to it and you need to not slip up so you can go the right way and not get stuck.

Patten Pond, Maine
Overall feeling: When I look at this I feel happy.
The artist made me remember when I was about 6 or  7, when I had no cares in the world. I would do what I wanted and not get in trouble because I didn’t know any better. The reason I feel happy when I look at this is because I remember the good old days. 
A story this picture would tell is, when I was little my cousins or friends and I would get into my hot tub and we would stick our heads in the water and do that exact same thing. We would splash the house, the grass, and occasionally the dog. She didn’t enjoy it very much when we splashed her but we didn’t care.

Clouds Near Mt. Everest
Overall feeling: When I look at this picture I feel scared.
The artist made me feel scared by only using dark colors and white. Mt. Everest looks very pointy and sharp, and the clouds by it are not just white but they are dark too.
When I look at this picture I can just imagine a climber climbing Mt. Everest right at this moment. He keeps telling himself to not look down. He doesn’t look down he just keeps looking forward. Then he looked up, he noticed a dark cloud and sharp pointy objects. He realized that if he was going to make it to the top he couldn’t look up or down anymore, because the thought of falling and the thought of something falling on him scared him too much.

Bering Sea Sunset
Overall feeling: When I look at this picture I feel excited
When the sun goes down something in me just pops out and tells me that the day isn’t over and you still have a few more minutes of sunlight to do things! The wave coming over the rock like that, looks like a firework had just exploded! Everything in the picture just makes me want to get outside and do something while I still can!
When I look at this picture, I picture a little girl running out of her house, on the beach, and jumping into the waves and just playing in the water. She didn’t have her swimming suit on because she wouldn’t have time to change into it before the sun went down. She just played int the warm ocean water until the last stream of light fade away.

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